Friday, March 30, 2007

The Kids Today

Noelle ... the 14 year old...grade 8.
So far has not turned out to be like
me... haha And I'm hoping to keep
it that way for a while lol
Go Emo!

Dawson...the 12 year old...grade 7.
Still has the biggest heart and the
cheesiest humour.
Another Christopher!

Jordan...the 11 year old...grade 6.
Always willing to help and likes to
make sure he is in the know.
The eager beaver!

~~~NO. 1~~~

Well Here it is .. finally putting up my blog. I hardly
have time for myself anymore, but I promised myself
I would find a way to stay in touch with everyone more
often. I could find a moment every week to keep updated,
I know I

My kids are growing up so fast, next time I see you they
may have already graduated or become parents of their
own... (I can wait for So I will keep you posted
on thier lives as well.

I work full time at a Chrysler Dealership. I really enjoy the
challenges it throws at me! Even though I usually have up to
40 hours overtime a paycheck. Call me crazy, but I know it
will get me somewhere one day with all this experience. I can
work the extra hours at home with connections to the Server so
I haven't completely deserted Scott & the kids. Another Bonus...
I got a nice JEEP out of it too (ya I'm paying for it) but it will be
mine bought and paid for! what a good feeling!

So this is my little bit... I look forward to keeping you updated we probable have quite a bit to catch up on!

Shan <3