Well Here it is .. finally putting up my blog. I hardly
have time for myself anymore, but I promised myself
I would find a way to stay in touch with everyone more
often. I could find a moment every week to keep updated,
I know I can...lol.
My kids are growing up so fast, next time I see you they
My kids are growing up so fast, next time I see you they
may have already graduated or become parents of their
own... (I can wait for that..lol.) So I will keep you posted
on thier lives as well.
I work full time at a Chrysler Dealership. I really enjoy the
I work full time at a Chrysler Dealership. I really enjoy the
challenges it throws at me! Even though I usually have up to
40 hours overtime a paycheck. Call me crazy, but I know it
will get me somewhere one day with all this experience. I can
work the extra hours at home with connections to the Server so
I haven't completely deserted Scott & the kids. Another Bonus...
I got a nice JEEP out of it too (ya I'm paying for it) but it will be
mine bought and paid for! what a good feeling!
So this is my little bit... I look forward to keeping you updated
So this is my little bit... I look forward to keeping you updated
regularily...as we probable have quite a bit to catch up on!
Shan <3
Shan <3
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